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FBI Email re: DOD Interrogators Impersonating FBI Agents when Interviewing Detainees at Guantanamo Bay

Jan. 21, 2004 | DOD | ACLU-RDI 3020
Email questioning the correctness of using of non-FBI personal to impersonate FBI agents when interviewing detainees at Guantanamo. The email states "When I was in the unit in December, I thought we agreed to take everything out of the EC that doesn't specifically pertain to the "impersonation" issue. All of that other information (including our suggestion that the detainee was threatened is still in there, which I think is totally inappropriate. Regarding the "impersonation", I'm still not sure what our issue is here. It's fairly clear to me that the "FBI Agent" wasn't successful in gaining the detainees cooperation. Thereafter, (months later) carried the day with his ruse...(Once again, this technique, and all of those used in these scenarios, was approved by the Dep Sec Def Additionally, the techniques specifically called into question in the EC were employed months after, and in a different environment from, the "FBI Agent" ruse. I would request that Spike Bowman, or his designee, review this information and provide us with a definitive opinion before we make an issue of it. Thanks." b6 -1 1