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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding a TRIM document received from ODAG McAtamney. The TRIM document is a memorandum regarding the transfer of Guantanamo detainees with pending habeas corpus proceedings.
The document is an internal FBI email, regarding a TRIM document that includes a recent report entitled "Ending Secret Detentions."
The document is an internal FBI email, regarding the development of a conduct policy for FBI agents participating in detainee interrogations at Guantanamo Bay. The document includes concerns from FBI agents about participating in harsh Department ...
June 15, 2011
Valerie E. Caproni, Marion E. Bowman, John S. Pistole
The document is an internal FBI memorandum from EAD John Pistole to the Counterterrorism Division, regarding the request of HVD-1's (Saddam Hussein) Interrogation Team to question the subject without reading him the Miranda rights, to videotape ...
June 15, 2011
Non-legal Memo
John S. Pistole, M. Chris Briese, Valerie E. Caproni, Gary M. Bald, Marion E. Bowman
The document is an internal FBI email, regarding whether the FBI's operations in Iraq were primarily for intelligence-gathering or also for the collection of evidence for prosecutions. The email also includes information on a case in which an FBI ...
June 15, 2011
Valerie E. Caproni, Marion E. Bowman, M. Chris Briese, John S. Pistole, Gary M. Bald
A considerably redacted email regarding whether or not the FBI should proceed with the interview of the detainee.
Oct. 30, 2009
John S. Pistole, Valerie E. Caproni, Marion E. Bowman
Email thread discussing possibility of FBI abuse at Abu Ghraib. One email says "Bottom line is FBI personnel have not been involved in any methods of interrogation that deviate from our policy [redacted]. The specific guidance we have given has ...
Answer to a question posed in earlier meeting re: FBI questioning detainee. Contents heavily redacted.
Dec. 15, 2004
John F. Curran
John F. Curran, John S. Pistole, Valerie E. Caproni, Marion E. Bowman, M. Chris Briese
Email details FBI investigation of mistreatment, abuse or "highly aggressive" treatment of detainees in Iraq that are known or observed by FBI agents who have cycled through Guantanamo. The email states that fourteen (14) agents have witnessed ...
This email concerns preparing for an upcoming House Permanent Subcommittee on Intelligence hearing and preparation of the testimony to be given. One of the emails in this chain states "We didn't actually interview (redacted detainee) at Camp Echo ...
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