Search Result (5)

Press release from the White House affirming the Bush administration's belief in the Geneva Convention, but noting that Taliban detainees are not entitled to POW status and that members of al-Qaeda are not covered by the Convention.
George W. Bush, Ari Fleischer

A heavily redacted version of a report authored by the CIA's Office of the Inspector General.  The report was later released in less-redacted form.  It discusses the CIA's use of the "enhanced interrogation techniques," ...

A Vaughn Declaration from Wendy Hilton, CIA, relating to documents from the files of the CIA Office of the Inspector General (OIG) responsive to the ACLU's FOIA requests of October 7, 2003 and May 25, 2004. The government originally withheld ...

Aug. 31, 2009
Judicial (Affidavit/Declaration, Vaughn Declaration/Index)
Wendy M. Hilton
Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein
Wendy M. Hilton, Leon E. Panetta, Barack H. Obama, George W. Bush

A Vaughn Declaration from Wendy Hilton, CIA, relating to 171 OLC documents responsive to the ACLU's FOIA requests of October 7, 2003 and May 25, 2004. The government originally withheld 181 OLC documents in full, and Judge Hellerstein upheld ...

Sept. 21, 2009
Judicial (Affidavit/Declaration, Vaughn Declaration/Index)
Wendy M. Hilton
Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein
Wendy M. Hilton, Leon E. Panetta, Barack H. Obama, George W. Bush
CIA copy of a transcript of George W. Bush's speech on the U.N. International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, emphasizing the conviction that "Torture is wrong no matter where it occurs" and that the United States must lead the fight to ...
Mar. 15, 2013
George W. Bush