Search Result (30)

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State Department email forwarded by JoAnn Dolan from Robert Harris concerning Human Rights Watch report critical of U.S. Action in Afghanistan. Mr. Harris' email has the comment "Human Rights Watch in the past few days issued a highly critical ...
State Department email with attached press guidance concerning the possible release of some Guantanamo detainees.
Email requests clearance for a Q & A on Detainee Issues. the commeents from Ms. Abercrombie is "All, the attached Q&A is 99% the same as one cleared last week. Please review and clear by 1200 tomorrow. This is for D's briefing to the SASC on ...
Emails concerning a memo on detainees with attachment.
Email exchanges concerning clearance for Q&A for D on release of torture documents "in case arises in context of Iraq testimony".
Emails concerning press guidance regarding the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) and their February 2004 report.
Emails refer to a draft cable. [The more recent email is redacted; document is not included].
Emails between JoAnn J. Dolan, Joshua L. Dorosin, Ronald W. Miller and Others re: PD on Detainees-Strategy Paper. The email has an attachment, not included. the comments from Ms. Dolan are "I assume no one has anything further on this one. Ron: ...