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This document has a collection of nine (9) sworn statements made by agents and others who were present or near by the interview room where detainee Hisham Bin Ali Bin Amor Sliti lunged from his seat and attempted to attack the interpreter ...

June 30, 2006
Non-legal Memo, Interview (Statement)
Hisham Bin Ali Bin Amor Sliti
This Memo For The record is a condensed notation of an interview conducted of CACI Interrogator/Screener who was at Abu Ghraib prison on October 4, 2004. This interview was during the course of a 15-6 investigation relating to allegations of ...
June 30, 2006
Non-legal Memo, Interview (Statement)
Abdullah Yahia Yousf al Shabli
Memo describes a telephonic interview of [redacted]. The interviewee was assigned to AG from approximately the first week of June 2003 to September 21, 2003 as a Liaison Officer. Interviewee stated that she knew detainees were stripped during ...
Mar. 03, 2005
Non-legal Memo, Interview (Statement, Summaries/Notes)
Barbara G. Fast
Stress positions, Nudity
Memo of telephonic interview of an Iraqi Survey Group (ISG) Debriefer. Memo notes that all ISG debriefings were conducted without use of coercive methods.

Telephonic interview of a Military Intelligence interrogator (Rank & Rate unknown) regarding detainee interrogations at Abu Ghraib prison. The MI Interrogator stated "I never placed any of my detainees on sleep deprivation. I did use a stress ...

Mar. 03, 2005
Non-legal Memo, Interview (Transcript, Statement)
Stress positions, Sleep deprivation, Isolation, Nudity, Other Humiliation
Memo discusses an attempt to obtain the 391" Military Police Battalion Records Check and logs that disclose the transfer of detainees between MP and MI control.
Interviewee was an interrogator at AG. During his interview with MG Fay, he invoked his rights and the interview was halted because he disclosed that he interrogated a detainee in the nude, but the majority were clothed. He stated, "[t]he ...
Mar. 03, 2005
Non-legal Memo, Interview (Statement, Summaries/Notes)
George R. Fay, Robert Bruttomesso
This is a Memo For the Record concerning an interview condensed to a statements made by a CACI analyst about his observations at Abu Ghraib. He states he arrived at the prison on December 16, 2003 and was given some of the rules for handling ...
Mar. 03, 2005
Non-legal Memo, Interview (Statement, Summaries/Notes)
George R. Fay, Thomas Pappas
This is an Officers report following an AR 15-6 investigation in to the escape of detainees from Camp Bucca, Unun Qasr, Iraq on Jan 7, 2004. The report recommends: Add additional wire to front of Compound 12; Conduct Visual Checks every 1/2 hour ...
Oct. 19, 2004
Non-legal Memo, Investigative File (AR 15-6), Photograph, Interview (Statement)
Janis Leigh Karpinski
Janis Leigh Karpinski
ISN 115032, ISN 11422
Abu Malik Kenami was detained in Iraq on December 5, 2003. He was interrogated and then placed in to the general population at Abu Ghraib prison. From the 5th of December through the early morning of 9th of December Kenami was not obeying the ...
Mar. 23, 2005
Non-legal Memo, Investigative File (AR 15-6), Photograph, Interview (Statement)
Abu Malik Kenami
Isolation, Environmental manipulation, Hooding/Goggling, Forced physical training
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