Search Result (21)

National Security Council fax cover page with the message: "Please review and provide any comnments/clearance by noon on Monday, June 21, 2004. Thank you," sent by John B. Bellinger, III. No additional comments or attachments.

State Department email forwarded by JoAnn Dolan from Robert Harris concerning Human Rights Watch report critical of U.S. Action in Afghanistan. Mr. Harris' email has the comment "Human Rights Watch in the past few days issued a highly critical ...
Email from Robert Harris forwarding an email with and attached news article entitled "Pentagon Report set framework for use of torture."

Fax cover sheet from the Office of the State Department Legal Advisor William H. Taft, IV to Jim Haynes, DoD, General Counsel, Jack Goldsmith, Assistant Attorney General and John Bellinger, NSC. Attachement not included.

Fax cover Sheet from William H. Taft, IV, DOS to John Bellinger, NSC. Attachment not included.
Dec. 30, 2004
William Howard Taft, IV
John Bellinger
William Howard Taft, IV, John B. Bellinger, III
This email from JoAnn Dolan forwardeding a transcript of UK Foreign Secretary Jack Straw's statements regarding UK citizens detained at Guantanamo.
This State Department memo gives the State Dept.'s official position on the question of detainees/ Geneva Conventions: the Geneva Conventions apply to the conflict w/ Al Qaeda but not with the Taliban; Neither Al-Qaeda nor Taliban detainees have ...
Dec. 30, 2004
Non-legal Memo
Alberto R. Gonzales, Colin L. Powell, William Howard Taft, IV
Email forward of a Radio Free Asia article, in which Colin L. Powell tells RFA that the Uyghur detainees being held in Guantanamo will not be sent back to China. The article discusses allegations that the Uyghur detainees were abused/mistreated ...
Dec. 30, 2004
JoAnn J. Dolan
William Howard Taft, IV
JoAnn J. Dolan, William Howard Taft, IV, Colin L. Powell, Sharon E. Ahmad
No relevant text. [No documents included].
Emails discuss a news article and a Meet the Press interview. The original email states "Newsweek reports that they have obtained a series of OLC memos from the fall of 2001 forward, quotes a State Department lawyer as saying "we were horrified" ...