Search Result (7)

This letter from Goldsmith to Muller addresses the use of interrogation techniques on a certain high-value detainee and is a follow-up to 2 previous memos approving 33 techniques (an OLC memo approved 9 and a memo from Secretary Rumsfeld approved ...
Aug. 31, 2016
Legal Memo, Letter
Jack Goldsmith
Scott Muller
Jack L. Goldsmith, Scott W. Muller, John A. Rizzo, Jay Bybee, John Ashcroft, Donald H. Rumsfeld, James B. Comey
This letter from John Helgerson, Inspector General of the CIA, to Jack Goldsmith of the OLC addresses the DOJ's proposed modifications to the IG report. Helgerson writes, "we have carefully reviewed the comments of the [DOJ] regarding the Special ...

This letter from John Helgerson, Inspector General of the CIA, to Jack Goldsmith of the OLC addresses the DOJ's proposed modifications to the IG report. Helgerson writes, "we have carefully reviewed the comments of the [DOJ] regarding the ...

This letter from Goldsmith to Muller addresses the use of interrogation techniques on a certain high-value detainee and is a follow-up to 2 previous memos approving 33 techniques (an OLC memo approved 9 and a memo from Secretary Rumsfeld ...

Aug. 24, 2009
Legal Memo, Letter
Jack L. Goldsmith
Scott W. Muller
Jack L. Goldsmith, John A. Rizzo, Scott W. Muller, John A. Rizzo, Jay S. Bybee, John D. Ashcroft, James B. Comey, Donald H. Rumsfeld
Fax cover letter to Adrien Silas from [redacted] regarding Valerie Caproni's July 14, 2004 hearing before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Some names are illegible.
May 18, 2005
Adrien Silas
Adrien Silas, Valerie E. Caproni, Jack L. Goldsmith, Steven G. Bradbury, Daniel B. Levin, Rachel Brand
Email from Terese L. McHenry re: unclassified version of CRM comments on OLC opinion forwarded to David E. Nahmias by Jack L. Goldsmith. All other contents redacted.