Search Result (4)

Death certificate of Fras Moazahim Habib, an Iraqi detainee who died in US custody at Abu Ghraib. During the course of a prison riot, guards used lethal force to subdue the crowd. Habib died of a gunshot wound to the chest. The circumstances ...
Apr. 18, 2005
Medical (Death Certificate)
Fras Moazahim Habib
Physical assault, General
20 year old male detainee referred by CID. Reports he was slapped in the face by coalition forces. Reports after he was slapped, he fell into barbed wire and cut the tip fo his left ring finder. Also has a twisted ankle from running. Received ...
Apr. 18, 2005
Medical (Physical (non-death))
Physical assault, Face slap or insult slap, Other
Medical Report: 27-Year-Old Iraqi Male, Camp Bucca from July 2004 (0204-04-CID259-80242). The detainee was recovering from a gunshot to his left leg which was aggravated by a guard forcing him to the ground after disobeying the Military Police ...
Medical records of Iraqi male detainees who were injured during a prison riot in Abu Ghraib prison. A group of prisoners became unruly and guards used lethal force to subdue the crowd. The circumstances surrounding the incident were ...
Apr. 18, 2005
Medical (Physical (non-death))
Physical assault, Other