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Bloomberg News Article re: US Holds Terror Suspects at Secret Location, Red Cross Says
Dec. 30, 2004
Donald H. Rumsfeld
Khalid Shaikh Mohammed
Roundtable interview with Secretary of State, Colin L. Powell. On May 26. 2004, Mr. Powell answered a series of questions from journalists regarding allegations of detainee abuse in Afghanistan, Iraq and Guantanamo Bay.

This May 24, 2004 Newsweek article discusses the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal. It describes legal justifications for the Bush administration's interrogation program.

The document is a news article written by NBC News Correspondent Campbell Brown regarding possible prisoner abuse at Battlefield Interrogation Facilities operated by Delta Force in Iraq.
Campbell Brown | NBC News
Donald H. Rumsfeld, Barbara G. Fast

Press release of trancript of Secretary of State Colin L. Powell On BBC TV with Huw Edwards. Sec. Powell discusses Iraq; Abu Ghraib prison abuse; and the President Bush & UK PM Blair relationship.

Dec. 17, 2004
Colin L. Powell, Donald H. Rumsfeld, Richard B. Myers, George W. Bush
PowerPoint presentation to Sec. Def. Rumsfeld on detainee operations at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. States that there is no evidence of non-compliance with Department of Defense orders at either facility save for "some minor infractions." These ...
June 30, 2006
Non-legal Memo, Other
Albert T. Church | Duane D. Thiessen
Donald H. Rumsfeld
Donald H. Rumsfeld, Albert T. Church, Duane D. Thiessen
DOS Press Release of a CNN Interview of Richard L. Armitage discussing the administration's response to a "detainee scandal."
Dec. 30, 2004
George W. Bush, Richard Lee Armitage, Colin L. Powell, Donald H. Rumsfeld
This article describes the government's criminal investigations into the abuse of prisoners in U.S. custody in Iraq and Afghanistan following the Abu Ghraib scandal. The report describes ongoing investigations by the CIA's Inspector General and ...
This article details "the deaths of at least 10 prisoners in Iraq and Afghanistan" and indicates that U.S. officials considered "a possible criminal investigation of a [CIA] officer in the death of one prisoner." It also describes Congressional ...
Donald H. Rumsfeld, John McCain
This article describes criminal investigations into detainee deaths and assaults in Iraq and Afghanistan in the aftermath of the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal. It documents Condoleeza Rice's public "apolog[y] to the Arab world," and Donald ...
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