Search Result (9)

Message entirely redacted except for a footnote that states "Note: The detainee's father — who has publicized his son's situation by occupying in a cage in downtown Stockholm throughout the past week — staged a protest in front of the Embassy on ...
Emails between Gilda Brancato, Ronald W. Miller, Jonathan M. Crock, JoAnn Dolan, Sarah E. Prosser, Waldo W. Brooks, Edward R. Cummings, Robert K. Harris, Katherine M. Gorove and Michael G. Kozak with drafts on letters concerning Guantanamo ...
Email refers to an attachment, which is a draft guidance on L memos as reported in a Washington Post report. Ms. Dolan's comments are: "Attached for input/clearance is draft guidance on L memos as reported in today's Washington Post report. We ...
Emails refer to the release of Russian Guantanamo detainees released by Russian Procuracy. A document is attached to the emails. [Document is not included].
Email from JoAnn Dolan to Joshua L. Dorosin, Edward R. Cummings, Katherine Gorove and Ronald W. Miller re: Public Diplomacy Docs. The comments from Ms. Dolan are "It is probably too late to get it in circulation before the SVTS. Let's get a final ...
Emails between JoAnn J. Dolan, Joshua L. Dorosin, Ronald W. Miller and Others re: PD on Detainees-Strategy Paper. The email has an attachment, not included. the comments from Ms. Dolan are "I assume no one has anything further on this one. Ron: ...
Email requests clearance for a Q & A on Detainee Issues. the commeents from Ms. Abercrombie is "All, the attached Q&A is 99% the same as one cleared last week. Please review and clear by 1200 tomorrow. This is for D's briefing to the SASC on ...