Search Result (82)

An exchange of letters between Senator Charles Grassley and Assistant Attorney General William E. Moschella regarding the OLC's August 2002 memo defining torture. Senator Grassley initiated the exchange by forwarding to AAG Moschella for response ...
William E. Moschella, Charles E. Grassley
This is a cover letter from Preet Bharara, US Attorney for the Southern District of New York, to Alex Abdo, of the American Civil Liberties Union, concerning FOIA document production re: ACLU v. CIA 10 Civ. 7092 (AKH).
Letter, Other
Preet Bharara
Alexander Abdo
Preet Bharara, Tara M. LaMorte
Letter from Preet Bharara , US Attorney for the So. Dist. of New York, to Alex Abdo, Attorneyfor the ACLU, concerning document production under FOIA.
Letter, Other
Preet Bharara
Alexander Abdo
Preet Bharara, Tara M. LaMorte
The document is a letter from the Department of Justice's Office of Inspector General to the ACLU's National Security Project, regarding the ACLU's April 22nd, 2008 FOIA request. The letter is a cover letter for summaries of interviews conducted ...
The document is a letter from the Records Management Division of the FBI to the National Security Project of the ACLU, regarding the final release of documents related to FOIA request 1129744 - specifically Office of Inspector General SITREPS.
Alexander Abdo
The document is a letter from Assistant Director Eleni P. Kalisch of the Office of Congressional Affairs to Senator Patrick Leahy, regarding Senator Leahy's claim that FBI Director Mueller withheld key information about the mistreatment of ...

An OLC memo from John Yoo to John Rizzo regarding "what is necessary to establish the crime of torture."  The memo states that an individual must act with the "specific intent" to inflict severe mental pain or ...

Legal Memo, Letter
John C. Yoo
John A. Rizzo
John C. Yoo, John A. Rizzo, Jennifer Koester
This letter is from Jack Goldsmith to Scott Muller stating that he received a copy of the Inspector General Report on the CIA Enhanced Interrogation Program and is concerned about how these techniques are applied in practice.
This letter from Daniel Levin to John Rizzo is the Office of Legal Counsel's response to the proposed use of twelve interrogation techniques during the interrogation of Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani and whether or not these techniques would violate U.S. ...
This document is a letter from Daniel Levin to John Rizzo stating that the use of twelve interrogation techniques in the interrogation of Sharif al-Masri will not violate the U.S. constitution, statute, or other treaty obligation. Levin says ...