Search Result (1469)

Document records that there have been 17 allegations of abuse at Guantanamo Bay since January 2002 that have been reported through CSRT process.
Nov. 30, 2005

FBI Repatriation Evaluation. Notes under heading "Investigative Summary" and "Interview Summary" entirely redacted. FBI "concurs with the DOD's recommendation of release and recommends transfer to continued ...

FBI Deleted Page Information Sheet
Memo from FBI agent to the file. Contents completely redacted

Contents redacted.

Content entirely redacted.

Draft FBI memo divided into sections headed "Guantanamo" "Iraq" and "Afghanistan", with an additional section headed "Unknown Location." Memo also includes a redacted log of listings with "Date" and "Event" columns that include the words ...
FBI handwritten notes regarding legal issues and interrogation of detainees.
The document provides investigative and interview summaries for detainees. The document is fully redacted, except for the statement: "The FBI disagrees with DOD's recommendation of release [of the detainee] and recommends transfer for continued ...
The document discusses the new division of labor between GTMO CITF, which will run tribunals, and the FBI, which will concentrate on interrogation. The author observes that "detainees are all extremely frustrated about being asked the same ...