Search Result (33)

This is a CID investigation in to the death of Mahmud Fadhil Farhan, an Iraqi civilian. Mr. Farhan's mother alleged that he was shot & killed by American soldiers in front of her house on April 26, 2006 for refusing to obey orders. The ...

This document contains several Court-Martial following an investigation into the deaths of two (2) detainees at the Bagram Control Point (BCP) in Bagram, Afghanistan. Both detainees were determined to have been killed by blood clots that were ...

Nov. 05, 2008
Investigative File (CID), UCMJ (Court-Martial)
Habibullah, Dilawar
Physical assault, General

Emails record the correspondences of the investigating agent with multiple army personnel regarding the details of what units and actual soldiers were holding the detainee. The agent conducts an exhaustive search but is unable to match the ...