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Article 15 Proceedings re: Soldier Charged with Assault of Detainee at Guantanamo Hospital

Oct. 22, 2004 | DOD | ACLU-RDI 1298
This is an Article 15 proceeding against a Military Police soldier who punched a detainee in the mouth at Guantanamo hospital when the detainee spit at the MPs. The incident was reported in sworn statements by the soldiers present as follows: Detainee, Mash Alawad Alhabiri, was taken to the Guantanamo hospital for an unknown treatment. While there he complained of his wrist restraints being too tight. As one MP attempted to loosen the restraint, the detainee spit at the MPs and began to physically exert himself in an effort to assault the MPs. The MPs who is the subject of the proceeding attempted to subdue the detainee with a punch. The detainee was subdued. The detainee suffered a bloody lip, but the injury was minor, and did not require stiches. The proceeding did not find detainee abuse was present; rather the soldier was reacting to the situation, but did so inappropriately. The soldier received a reduction in rank; forfeiture of half pay for two (2) months and extra duty with restriction for forty-five (45) days. (see ACLU RDI 2477 & 2478)
  • 2004-10-07, Unknown, Guantanamo
    • Detainee Mash Alawad Alhabiri was taken to the Guantanamo hospital for an unknown treatment. While there is complained of his restraints being too tight. As the MP loosended the restratint, the detainee attacked the MP. The other MP in the room subdued the detainee with a punch, causing him a bloody lip. No detainee abuse was suspected given the circumstances.