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Autopsy Report: Husayn Kazim Husayn, 35 y/o Iraqi, Theater Internment Facility (TIF) Hospital, Camp Bucca, Umm Qasr, Iraq, November 5, 2008 ("Undetermined") ("Death Certificate Included") (CID Report (Death): 0060-2008-CID579-53612-5H9A/9G2)

Nov. 5, 2008 | DOD | ACLU-RDI 5709
This is the Autopsy Report & Death Certificate for Husayn Kazim Husayn, a detainee who died at the Theater Internment Facility (TIF), Camp Bucca, Umm Qasr, Iraq. It is reported that Mr. Husayn was sitting in a holding room when he collapsed with seizure like activity. The Report states that CPR and other live saving measures were initiated, but failed to revive him. Cause of Death: Undetermined; Manner of Death: Undetermined.