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CID Report: 0006-04-CID259-80132

Sept. 27, 2004 | CID | ACLU-RDI 31

An investigation into an allegation that, on December 31, 2003, a soldier threatened a detainee with a gun, fired the gun on the ground next to the detainee, and "butt-stroked" the detainee. The investigation "established probable cause to believe Soldier did in fact committed the offenses of Aggravated Assault and Negligent Discharge of a Firearm when he threatened to shoot the detainee, and then did fired a shot into the ground next to the detainee. Investigation also established probable cause to believe the Soldier committed the offense of Assault Consummated by a Battery when he butt-stroked a detainee in the back of the head and face." The Commander's Report notes that the individual was reduced in grade, fined, and assigned extra duty.

  • 2003-12-31, FOB Kalsu, Iraq
    • An investigation into an allegation that a soldier threatened a detainee with a gun, fired the gun on the ground next to the detainee, and hit the detainee. The investigation "established probable cause to believe SPC [REDACTED] committed the offenses of Aggravated Assault and Negligent Discharge of a Firearm when he threatened to shoot Mr. [REDACTED] and then fired a shot into the ground next to Mr. [REDACTED]. Investigation also established probable cause to believe SPC [REDACTED] committed the offense of Assault Consummated by a Battery when he butt-stroked Mr. [REDACTED] in the back of the head and face."