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CID Report: 0033-03-CID519-62149

May 19, 2003 | CID | ACLU-RDI 134
CID Investigation into a shooting of a civilian by a tower guard at Camp Bucca International Facility, Iraq. Due to a miscommunication, detainee was initially thought to be deceased, but was treated at a U.S. Army Medical Facility and is expected to make a full recovery at an Iraqi Civilian Hospital in Baghdad. Conclusion of investigation determined that soldier failed to follow prescribed Rules of Engagement detailing the use of warning shots to deter individuals from entering the camp. Soldier received a written reprimand for his actions.
  • 2003-05-12, Camp Bucca Theater Internment Facility, Iraq
    • A private acting as a tower guard at Camp Bucca, Iraq, spotted a civilian approaching the outer perimeter of the compound. The private shouted a warning in both Arabic and English and then fired a warning shot at the feet of the individual, in violation of the Rules of Engagement which only permit warning shots if they are fired in a safe direction away from all prisoners, civilians, and US/Coalition personnel. The civilian was picked up by the roving patrol who saw that he had an abrasion on his face and transferred him to the medical tent for treatment. Upon examination, it was discovered that the victim had a bullet lodged in his neck. He was transferred for further medical attention and, at the time the report was filed, was expected to make a full recovery. The CID investigators determined that there was probable cause to believe that the private committed the offenses of Reckless Endangerment and Failure to Obey Order or Regulation. The private was given written reprimands for his conduct.