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CID Report: 0050-04-CID369-69273

Aug. 1, 2005 | CID | ACLU-RDI 2301
This CID investigation concerns an investigation in to detainee abuse in Afghanistan. A New York Times newspaper was releasing a story on 12 May 04, concerning allegations of a Afghan Police Colonel that was alleged to be abused by U.S. Forces in Garcjez, Afghanistan, in Aug 03. The investigation found that several of the detainees at Gardez, Afghanistan gave statements that they were not abused while in custody and one statement describing how the alleged victim was abused and one statement from the alleged victim himself. The investigation established that the offenses of Indecent Assault, Aggravated Assault, and Maltreatment of Persons in US Custody, did not occur as alleged by the soldier(s) named as the abusers, nor was there any evidence to find that abuse occurred at all.