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CID Report: 0165-04-CID919-82192

May 31, 2004 | CID | ACLU-RDI 4533
This CID investigation into claims made by three Iranian detainees alleging they knew of a fellow Iranian being murdered at Airbase H3, Iraq. They allege the murder took place while they were being detained and interrogated by Coalition Forces. The three Iranians also alleged that they had been beaten and abused while detained and had a large amount of money stolen from them. The investigation established that “the offenses of Larceny of Private Property and Larceny of Private Funds” as well as “Cruelty and Maltreatment” did not occur as alleged. Moreover, the investigation in to the missing person report could not be substantiated and therefore unfounded….a search of detainee records in Iraq for the disposition of the man the Iranians say was murdered produced negative results.