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CID Report (Death): 0142-2008-CID369-43734-5H9B; Unnamed Afghani Male, Bagram Airfield (BAF), Bagram, Afghanistan, June 23, 2008 ("Undetermined")

July 21, 2008 | CID | ACLU-RDI 5572
This is a CID investigation in to the death of an Afghani male at the Medical Treatment Facility (MTF) at the Bagram Airfield (BAF), Bagram, Afghanistan on June 23, 2008. This Report states that the gentleman was under treatment at the MTF for several days after suffering a cardiac emergency. While at the MTF he suffered a heart attack. CPR and other life saving measures were initiated, but failed to save the gentleman. An autopsy was not conducted. No criminal acts are suspected in the death. Cause of Death: Undetermined; Manner of Death: Undetermined.