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CID Report (Death): 0230-2007-CID899-23084-5H1B/7G2A1/5Y2E; Unknown Iraqi Male, Al Doura, Iraq, May 24, 2007 ("Insufficient Evidence")

Feb. 9, 2008 | CID | ACLU-RDI 5567
This is a CID investigation in to the actions of a Sergeant with "C" Company, 2nd Battalion, 12th Infantry Regiment (2/12), Combat Outpost (COP) Chosen, Iraq. The Sergeant (SGT) was initially suspected, accused and eventually confessed to stealing money from an Iraqi civilian during a house search. However, it was also alleged that on May 24, 2007, near Al Doura, Iraq, the SGT ignored an order to render aid to an unknown Iraqi male enemy combatant following a firefight, allowing the injured man to die. The Report states that no autopsy of the enemy combatant was conducted, and there was insufficient evidence to conclude the SGT caused the death of the enemy combatant through neglect, or an affirmative act constituting Murder.