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CID Report (Death): 0246-2005-CID259-36342-5H9B; Akram Hanoush Yakou, Karabilah Gas Station, Iraq, December 13, 2003 ("Natural")

Nov. 16, 2005 | CID | ACLU-RDI 5488
A CID investigation into the death of Akram Hanoush Yakou, and Iraqi national who died while in custody following his arrest after a raid at the Karabilah Gas Station, Iraq on December 13, 2003. Mr. Yahou was captured along with another man. Mr. Yakou suffered an apparent heart attack. Autopsy report indicates "blood in the heart" and no external injuries sufficient to cause death. There is no abuse evident, alleged, suspected. The investigation closed assessing the circumstances of Mr. Yakou's death as: Cause of Death: Heart Attack; Manner of Death: Natural. Attempts to locate and interview Mr. Yakou's spouse and other witnesses could not occur because of the dangerous circumstances in the area.