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DOD Memo: Military Police Investigation of Allegation of Detainee Abuse at Guantanamo

Apr. 4, 2005 | DOD | ACLU-RDI 2481
This memo is a synopsis of an investigation in to a possible incident of detainee abuse at Guantanamo. The detainee became unruly during an interview and overturned a table and began to kick personnel in the room. The detainee was restrained with leg restraints and then returned to his cell. the detainee then complained to a medic of abuse shortly thereafter. The investigation consisted of interviewing the personnel; involved; reviewing records; and the physical exam did not reveal any signs of abuse. The investigation was concluded with the case being closed until new evidence arises to warrant it's reopening.
  • 2005-03-17, Unknown, Guantanamo
    • A detainee at Guantanamo alleged that while being interviewed he was restrained in a way that constituted abuse. The DOD/Military Police investigation in to the matter examined medical reports; interviewed witnesses; and check records of the incident and concluded that the detainee was not abused and that he was properly restrained when he became unruly.