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Fay Report Annex: Statement of Sergeant First Class, 229th Military Police Company re: Mortor Attack on Abu Ghraib Prison Sept. 20, 2003

Sept. 21, 2003 | DOA | ACLU-RDI 708
The interviewee, a Sergeant First Class with the 229th Military Police Company. Recounted the beating of a detainee after detainee was suspected of being involved in a mortar attack of a camp. The interviewee recalled two soldiers approaching a handcuffed detainee, screaming/yelling at him, grabbed the detainee by the back of the head, and pushed him down into the dirt. Another soldier then grabbed the detainee and yanked him off the ground, walked him towards a HMMWV, struck the detainee in the back of the head and back and forcefully slammed the detainee into the back of the HMMVW. They then struck him a few mores times, and told him to put a mask on. The interviewee believes the detainee was bleeding. Also, the interviewee recalled the soldiers were of the same unit that was attacked earlier. The interviewee felt it inappropriate that a suspect be released to the soldiers affected by the suspect's possible actions.
  • Unknown date, Abu Ghraib (Baghdad Correctional Facility (BCCF)), Iraq
    • The interviewee, a Sergeant First Class with the 229th Military Police Company. Recounted the beating of a detainee after detainee was suspected of being involved in a mortar attack of a camp. The interviewee recalled two soldiers approaching a handcuffed detainee, screaming/yelling at him, grabbed the detainee by the back of the head, and pushed him down into the dirt. Another soldier then grabbed the detainee and yanked him off the ground, walked him towards a HMMWV, struck the detainee in the back of the head and back and forcefully slammed the detainee into the back of the HMMVW. They then struck him a few mores times, and told him to put a mask on. The interviewee believes the detainee was bleeding. Also, the interviewee recalled the soldiers were of the same unit that was attacked earlier. The interviewee felt it inappropriate that a suspect be released to the soldiers affected by the suspect's possible actions.