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Letter from Nathan J. Whitling of Parlee Mclaws LLP Law Firm to Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs Pierre Pettigrew re: Omar Ahmed Khadr, Camp X-Ray, Guantanamo Bay

Aug. 11, 2004 | ODNI | Non-US | ACLU-RDI 4665
This letter from Nathan J. Whitling, an attorney representing Omar Ahmed Khadr, a Guantanamo Bay Detainee and a Canadian citizen. Mr. Whitling states "we must express our grave concern in relation to the issues raised by these allegations of the torture of a Canadian juvenile. We urgently request that you provide us with any information you may have in relation to these allegations, that you make formal inquiries with the United States government regarding their truth or falsity, and that you advise ourselves of the results of these communications."