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Medical Report: 22-Year-Old Male, Detainee, Fallujah, Iraq re: Follow-Up Medical Care (0217-04-CID259-80251)

Apr. 30, 2004 | DOA | ACLU-RDI 1076
Prisoner processing medical screening of 22-year-old male detainee who reported that he was shot two times in both arms and was beaten by Kurdish army. The report notes that detainee is suicidal and had already attempted suicide once before.
  • 2004-04-01, Fallujah, Iraq
    • Detainee alleged the Kurdish Military and Iraqi Linguish abused him while detained on a military base in Fallujah. Specifically, the detainee alleged that the linguist hung him by his neck. He also suffered injuries to his wrists and legs. When interviewed by a U.S. army medic the detainee was suicidal. The medic also noted that the detainee had been shot in his shoulder. An ICRC Report related that the detainee “was suspended from his thighs and was beaten while he was hooded and restrained” and that “he had circular marks on both wrists and excoriations on the right internal malleolus and left external malleolus.” He also had “bilateral multiple parallel marks on the lower leg and marks on the posterior lower thighs with the imprint of a cable or rope.” Detainee was released from Abu Ghraib on June 6, 2004. Investigation concludes that the detainee “was abused by members of the Kurdish Army while he was under their operational control, prior to being released to U.S. Coalition Forces. This finding was based on the fact that during two separate interviews, [the detainee] stated he was abused by members of the Kurdish Army.”