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AR 15-6 Investigation (Ramadi Palace, Iraq, July 11-12, 2003) re: Investigation of the Allegations of Misconduct

July 21, 2003 | DOA | ACLU-RDI 1141
Army Memo concerning charges against a Captain who's soldiers were accused of several incidents of striking, kicking and threatening detainees with a loaded weapon at Ramadi Palace, Iraq – July 11-12, 2003. They also staged mock executions as interrogation methods, and threatening detainees' families. Investigator finds the Captain guilty of the abuse and of threatening subordinates to not testify against him. This document is part of an investigation in to an incident related to ACLU RDI 1136 through 1171.
  • 2003-07-29, Ramadi Palace (Rifles Base) (Camp Blue Diamond), Iraq
    • AR 15-6 Investigation (Ramadi Palace, Iraq, July 11-12, 2003). Members of an Army Rifle Company witnessed the abuse of several detainees who were bound. Their sworn statements state that the Military Police officers were kicking and punching the detainees. The soldiers of the Rifle Company told the MPs that their actions were wrong and that the Geneva Conventions applied to the EPWs. The Military Police responded that the Geneva Conventions did not apply. A Captain of the MP Unit has been specifically mentioned as giving orders and/or instructions to soldiers involved.