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DOD Memo re: Referral of Detainee Abuse Incident

Oct. 17, 2004 | CID | ACLU-RDI 1931
On September 14, 2004, a detainee stated that when he was captured (possibly in Khowst), an individual forced him to talk by holding a knife to his throat. Then he was forced to hold his hands out to carry sandbags, which caused abrasions in his stomach. Later, an interrogator at Bagram, Afghanistan forced him to scrub floors and clean urine buckets. Records show he was interrogated at Bagram on 06/24/02. The questionable techniques the detainee mentioned appear to have been inconsistent with the guidelines of 02/07/02's Presidential Executive Order that all detainees be treated humanely and contrary to principles in international law.
  • 2004-09-14, Bagram Air Base (Bagram Theater Internment Facility), Afghanistan
    • An Afghani detainee states that after he was taken in to custody he had a knife put to his throat to make him confess to being part of the Taliban. He also stated that he was forced to carry sandbags; scrub floors; and clean urine buckets.