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DIA Memo re: Report of Detainee Abuse in Iraq

June 10, 2004 | DIA | ACLU-RDI 188
A civilian employee (CE) of the DIA reports in this memo his observation and allegation of violations of the Geneva Convention concerning detainee abuse and the illegal detainment of non-combatants. The CE alleges that he witnessed the mistreatment of a detainee during the initial interrogation after his capture. He states that four or five non-interrogator personnel entered the room and began slapping the detainee while he was attempting to respond to the questioning. The second incident was reported to him (not personally witnessed) were an Iraqi was “slapped around” during an interrogation. The Illegal detention occurred when Coalition forces detained the wife of a suspected Iraqi terrorist, in Tarmiya, Iraq in order to put pressure on the terrorist/husband to surrender. The wife was not accused or suspected in any terrorist activity.
  • 2004-05-09, Baghdad, Iraq
    • A civilian employee (CE) of the DIA reports that he witnessed the wife of a terrorist suspect taken in to custody in order to put pressure on the husband to surrender himself. The woman was not herself a suspect in any terrorist activity.
  • 2004-05-11, Baghdad, Iraq
    • A civilian employee (CE) of the DIA reports that he witnessed the mistreatment of a detainee during the initial interrogation after his capture. He states that four or five non-interrogator personnel from the Task Force entered the interrogation room and began slapping the detainee while he was attempting to respond to the questioning.