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Schmidt-Furlow Report Enclosure 28: Summarized Witness Statement
Summarized witness statement of a Lt. Col. who was the former Interrogation Control Element (ICE) Chief at Guantanamo for the first week in December 2002 and re-deployed at end of June 2003. When asked about detainee abuse alleged to have occurred at Guantanamo, the witness indicates his understanding that the controlling guidance on interrogations prior to Secretary of defense approval of the Special Interrogation Plan was Field manual 34-52. He also states that although he does not know about impersonating FBI agents, there was an impersonation of a State Dept. agent to his arrival at Guantanamo. He acknowledged the use of loud music; yelling; temperature controls to make it cold, “It was a technique used to make the detainee uncomfortable”. He also stated he was aware of a “Lap Dance” incident where the interrogator decided to “use sexual tension in an attempt to break a detainee”, but no detainee was ever physically abused.