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Translated Interview of Guantanamo detainee re: Conditions/treatment at Guantanamo

May 22, 2002 | FBI | ACLU-RDI 3127
Translated Interview of Guantanamo detainee re: conditions/treatment at Guantanamo. The detainee stated he was beaten unconscious approximately three or four weeks ago when he was still at Camp X-Ray. Stated that an unknown number of guards entered his cell, unprovoked, and started spitting and cursing at him, that he rolled onto his stomach to protect himself, but a soldier, [name redacted], jumped onto his back, beat him in the face, choked him until he passed out, beat his heard, another female soldier, [name redacted], beat his head into the cell floor. Detainee stated that [redacted] was beaten because he was a Muslim. Detainee stated he was thereafter taken to the hospital, but was ordered to return to the camp soon after. The detainee also mentioned that in a separate incident he was isolated due to a disagreement with a soldier regarding his food (he has special dietary restrictions). Detainee also stated he was unaware why he was apprehended. He also stated he reported the events to two Red Cross representatives. According to the SA, the detainee had a visible and recent wound on the bridge of his nose.