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Taguba Report Annex 64: Testimony of Captain Darren Hampton, 320th Military Police Battalion
Feb. 15, 2004 | DOA | ACLU-RDI 270
Testimony of Captain Darren Hampton, 320th Military Police Battalion. Capt. Hampton was the Battle Captain for the 320th Military Police Battalion, and also the Force Protection Officer. Capt. Hampton took administrative responsibility for the dog teams at Abu Ghraib, but stated "Battalion Commander would make the decision on dog use or policy changes" and then related the following: "knowing the dogs capabilities and their presence as a psychological and physical deterrent at the gate, that's where we tried to focus our efforts. I can't specific for the specific Tiers, but in general, the dogs were used in the hard site. I remember vaguely about a dog bite incident, I remember Kimbrough reporting to me that his dog snipped at someone but nothing serious." He added "The use or deployment of the dog is up to the dog handler; it is his duty to know the limitations and parameters in which they may operate. They were familiar with their specific policies regarding use of their dog".