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Taguba Report Annex 69: Testimony of Captain Michael A Mastrangelo, Commander, 310th Military Police Company

Feb. 10, 2004 | DOA | ACLU-RDI 275
Testimony of Captain Michael A Mastrangelo, Commander, 310th Military Poice Company. Capt. Mastrangelo described his unit and how they were assigned to Iraq. He said “We were never in charge of any accountability while we there”. “I never had anything to do with the interrogations side of the house." He then spoke about the Abu Ghraib riot, "There was a riot in late November where my unit had to respond to. One of my soldiers killed an Iraqi rioter after expending his non-lethal rounds. There were a total of four rioters killed that day in order to calm the riot, but that was only after using up all the non-lethal rounds. There were a number of my soldiers injured that day. The riot was a Camp Ganci.” He concluded his testimony with “We were not involved in detainee accountability, and my primary mission was to fill in where personnel were needed”.