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Fay Report Annex: DOD Interview re: Conditions at Abu Ghraib Detention Facility
June 4, 2004 | DOD | ACLU-RDI 841
Interviewee arrived to AG on October 6, 2003 as a member of the GTMO team consisting of CW3 [redacted].
Interviewee noted that it was his/her job to approve interrogation techniques prior to their use.
Interviewee stated that he/she had knowledge of detainees on sleep deprivation and dietary management. Also, was aware of the use of stress positions (e.g. having a detainee sitting against the wall for 15 minutes).
Stated that he/she knew of nakedness in GTMO, but did not use the technique. Noted that he/she would see naked detainees in the hard site once in a while.
Interviewee noted on one occasion, he/she saw a MP put pink ladies underwear on a detainee, the interviewee stated "I believe he said that the detainee was placed in pink I silky women's underwear because the detainee was being punished for something he, did wrong."
Recalled an evening where a detainee had a weapon and shot at MPs, stated that on that evening, dogs were used. At one point he/she was almost bit by a dog; the dog did bite the handler.
Also, recalled seeing a detainee being force fed an IV, the MPs would hold him down while the IV was in him.
Interviewee also recalled hearing about a female officer stripping a detainee naked and walking him back from interrogations.
- Unknown date, Abu Ghraib (Baghdad Correctional Facility (BCCF)), Iraq
- Interviewee arrived to AG on October 6, 2003 as a member of the GTMO team consisting of CW3 [redacted]. Interviewee noted that it was his/her job to approve interrogation techniques prior to their use. Stated that he/she knew of nakedness in GTMO, but did not use the technique. Noted that he/she would see naked detainees in the hard site once in a while. Interviewee noted on one occasion, he/she saw a MP put pink ladies underwear on a detainee, the interviewee stated "I believe he said that the detainee was placed in pink I silky women's underwear because the detainee was being punished for something he, did wrong."
- Unknown date, Abu Ghraib (Baghdad Correctional Facility (BCCF)), Iraq
- Interviewee arrived to AG on October 6, 2003 as a member of the GTMO team consisting of CW3 [redacted]. Interviewee noted that it was his/her job to approve interrogation techniques prior to their use. Interviewee was aware of the use of stress positions (e.g. having a detainee sitting against the wall for 15 minutes). Stated that he/she oversaw an interrogation where this technique was used and stopped it.
- Unknown date, Abu Ghraib (Baghdad Correctional Facility (BCCF)), Iraq
- Interviewee arrived to AG on October 6, 2003 as a member of the GTMO team consisting of CW3 [redacted]. Interviewee noted that it was his/her job to approve interrogation techniques prior to their use. Also, recalled seeing a detainee being force fed an IV, the MPs would hold him down while the IV was in him.