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Medical Report: 29-Year-Old Iraqi Male, Detainee, Camp Cuervo, Baghdad, Iraq (0234-04-CID259-80271)

July 18, 2004 | DOA | ACLU-RDI 1054
Medical record of examination of a 29-year-old male detainee. Medical records follow a series of seizure-like episodes suffered while at Abu Ghraib. Just before one episode, a guard noted the detainee was crying for five minutes. Detainee would bang his head against the floor and bite his own hand.
  • 2004-07-04, Baghdad, Iraq
    • CID Report of investigation regarding alleged assault on detainee. Detainee was captured on July 3, 2004 in Baghdad. He was transported to a detention facility near Al Satar City, on Rashad Base, where he stayed for one night. He was then transported to an unknown facility about 45 minutes travel time from the first facility. The detainee was blindfolded with a cloth during transport, but not in detention. He was put in a cell by himself for 16 days. On the ninth day he was screaming in his cell, because he did not like being by himself. Three U.S. soldiers entered the cell, pushed him to the floor, cuffed his hands behind his back with metal cuffs, and tied his feet with plastic cuffs. The detainee began to thrash because he was scared. The soldiers then placed him on a stretcher face down, and placed another stretcher on his back, and tied the two stretchers with ropes, pinning the detainee between them. The soldiers then turned the stretchers over. The detainee was left in that position for three hours. He screamed for help and felt pain in his right wrist. Finally, a doctor came into the room and cut the ropes and removed the handcuffs. Investigation concludes that there was probable cause to believe the detainee was not abused and that “personnel used justifiable means to control [the detainee] during his seizures by placing him between two stretchers.”