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DOS Cable re: Guidance and Talking Points to Foreign Governments Concerning Their Citizens Detained at Guantanamo, February 12, 2002

Feb. 12, 2002 | DOS | ACLU-RDI 3581
This State Department cable provides talking points concerning informing foreign governments about the transfer of their citizens/nationals to Guantanamo after they were picked-up on the battle field of Afghanistan. It also states that the U.S. Government has not yet made a final decision on criminal charges it may bring against detainees in Guantanamo or which legal forum to bring charges, but states that “We are also evaluating the possibility of returning certain individuals to their country of nationality for further legal action” “If you have information concerning these detainees, and especially information concerning any criminal conduct (including violations of the laws of war) that they are alleged to have committed, we would appreciate receiving that information through the law enforcement liaison at our embassy”. It goes on to state “We would hope that you would be able to prosecute vigorously all of your nationals who have aided al-Qaida terrorists”. The detainee’s government is also being asked “Do you have any information from your own sources that connects these persons with al-Qaida or the Taliban? Are there any charges pending against these persons in your country? If so, what are those charges and against whom have they been brought? Would these persons be subject to prosecution in your country, and if so, for what crimes? For crimes committed inside your country? For crimes committed outside, including for acts related to the Afghan conflict or terrorist acts? What types of punishments are available under your law for offenses that have been or might be brought against these persons in your country?”