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Email from Diana Valderrama to Jonathan Crock and Ronald Miller re: Embassy in Mexico Requesting Guidance Concerning Guantanamo Detainees

June 5, 2003 | DOS | ACLU-RDI 4308
Email from Diana Valderrama to Jonathan Crock and Ronald W. Miller in response to the Embassy in Mexico City requesting guidance in answering an Amnesty International inquiry on the treatment of detainees who are children. Ms. Valderrama's comments are "Jonathan, Ronald - yours name were given to MEX by WHA/CCA and DRL as the folks in this building responsible for GTMO prisoner issues. Tried calling you this morning. Wanted simply to ask whether you could respond to Embassy Mexico City's request for guidance (Mexico City 4515) in answering an Amnesty inquiry regarding the treatment of detainees who are minors. Alternatively, I could draft, but would need some background and/or reference to an appropriate DOD contact for guidance/background. Many thanks, Diana Valderrama (WHA/MEX, 79292)."