After September 11, 2001, U.S. officials authorized the cruel treatment and torture of prisoners held in Afghanistan, Iraq, Guantanamo, and the CIA's secret prisons overseas.

This database documents the U.S. government's official experiment with torture. At present, the database contains well over 100,000 pages of government documents obtained primarily through Freedom of Information Act litigation and requests filed by the ACLU, and through litigation of Salim v. Mitchell, a lawsuit brought by the ACLU on behalf of the survivors and the family of a dead victim of the CIA torture program. To learn more about the database, please read the About and Search Help pages. If you're a developer, you can also access this data through our API.

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This May 24, 2004 Newsweek article discusses the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal. It describes legal justifications for the Bush administration's interrogation program.

The document is a memorandum from the Department of Defense, regarding approved methods of interrogation. The document includes information on documents related to the Administration's interrogation policies, a congressional subpoena proposed by ...

A letter from the CIA to OLC requesting that the OLC reaffirm its analyses in several previously issued memos relating to interrogation.  The letter states that "we rely on the applicable law and OLC guidance to assess the lawfulness ...

This letter from Rizzo, Acting General Counsel, to Philbin forwards a copy of John Yoo's memo of July 13, 2002 addressing "what is necessary to establish the crime of torture." [OLC Vaughn Index #49]

Aug. 24, 2009
Legal Memo, Letter
John A. Rizzo
Patrick Philbin
John A. Rizzo, Patrick Philbin, John C. Yoo, Jennifer Koester

An OLC memo from Daniel Levin (Acting Assistant Attorney General) to John Ashcroft (Attorney General) and James Comey (Deputy Attorney General), updating them on the status of interrogation advice. The letter contains sections for general ...

This May 7, 2004 Special Review by the CIA’s Office of the Inspector General examines the CIA’s counterterrorism detention and interrogation activities, including the apparently unauthorized use of mock executions, a hand gun, a ...

A heavily redacted version of a report authored by the CIA's Office of the Inspector General.  The report was later released in less-redacted form.  It discusses the CIA's use of the "enhanced interrogation techniques," ...

Email from Jason Callen, law clerk to Judge Frank Easterbrook, Seventh Circuit, to Jack Goldsmith and forwarded or blind-copied to Lawan Robinson, Confidential Assistant to the Assistant Attorney General, Department of Justice, Office of Legal ...

Sept. 19, 2005
Jason Callen
Jack L. Goldsmith
John C. Yoo, Jack L. Goldsmith, Lawan Robinson, Jason W. Callen
Editorials, Articles, Opinion Editorials and Letter to the Editor re: Abu Ghraib and the War in Iraq. Some of the OP-EDs are from former or current government officials. Many of the articles and opinions are from ordinary citizens expressing ...
Jan. 31, 2005
John C. Yoo
General, Other Humiliation, Physical assault
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