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The document is an internal FBI email, regarding an NCIS investigation into allegations made by a detainee of physical abuse after his capture as well as the FBI's possible involvement in the abuse.
June 15, 2011
Valerie E. Caproni, Thomas J. Harrington, Gary M. Bald, Frankie Battle
The document is an internal FBI email, regarding potential examinations of the FBI's role and involvement in detainee abuses alleged at Abu Ghurayb Prison.
Email describes Abu Ghraib Prison and the challenges in running it. Ed Lueckenhoff states that he met with AUSAs Dana Biehl and Bruce Pagel who toured the prison. Pagel advised Lueckenhoff that he was aware of the allegations of abuse at the ...
Emails discussed possible abuse in Abu Grarib prison. M.C. Briese stated he did not witness any mistreatment, however, stated Abu Graib was understaffed. Also, referred Caproni to CJIS and HRT management, explaining those offices spent a great ...
Ed Lueckenhoff sent an email stating that "I have been told that all interrogation techniques previously authorized by the Executive Order are still on the table but that certain techniques can only be used if very high-level authority is ...

An entirely redacted FBI memo relating to a shooting involving a Special Agent in Afghanistan.  The memo refers to Case ID Number: 315N-HQ-C1406946-E.

Email thread discussing possibility of FBI abuse at Abu Ghraib. One email says "Bottom line is FBI personnel have not been involved in any methods of interrogation that deviate from our policy [redacted]. The specific guidance we have given has ...
Email re: NCIS investigating allegations about physical abuse of a detainee when he was captured in Afghanistan or Pakistan by Americans dressed in black.
Dec. 15, 2004
Valerie E. Caproni
Thomas J. Harrington
Valerie E. Caproni, Thomas J. Harrington, Gary M. Bald, Frankie Battle
Physical assault
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