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The document includes notes from interviews conducted with FBI personnel [Redacted], regarding his work experience with the Hostage Rescue Team, concerns about the Department of Defense's interrogation techniques, and the discrepancy between his ...
The document includes notes from interviews conducted with FBI personnel [Redacted], regarding his knowledge of EC's from the FBI Behavioral Analysis Unit, the military's interrogation techniques and strategies, and his experiences serving in ...
The document is an internal FBI memorandum sent from the Counterterrorism Division to all divisions, regarding the establishment of the Terrorism Incident Response Protocol (TIRP) - a tool to improve the efficiency of responses to acts of ...
This FBI email mentions disagreements between the DOD and the FBI on how to handle interrogations of detainees at Guantanamo bay. The FBI is advising DOD on techniques that were ineffective in producing reliable intelligence. Email cites example ...
Email forwarding an FBI electronic communication up the chain of command. Email states "I am forwarding this EC up the. CTD chain of command. MLDU requested this information be documented to protect the FBI. MLDU has had a long standing and ...
This email contains a request for a list of personnel who were deployed to Guantanamo, Afghanistan and Iraq, particularly "that prison" in Iraq in late 2003. A list is provided, but is heavily redacted.
Email details FBI investigation of mistreatment, abuse or "highly aggressive" treatment of detainees in Iraq that are known or observed by FBI agents who have cycled through Guantanamo. The email states that fourteen (14) agents have witnessed ...
These emails are to clarify an Electronic Communication (EC) sent by the FBI's Office of the General Counsel to field agents informing them that they must report incidents of abuse that they know of or become aware of. The initial email requests ...
May 27, 2004 Iraq Daily Situation Report. John Pistole is asking Valerie Caproni to review the "2nd paragraph" of the report "re: the techniques" and to discuss it with him and Gary Bald. Email is heavily redacted as to content.
This email is to ensure that all FBI personnel touring through Guantanamo Bay and who participate in interrogations of detainees adhere to the Bureaus policies on the treatment of suspects and their own personal conduct when conducting ...
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