Search Result (5)

Email from FBI Official to FBI Official re: Trip to Guantanamo and Meeting with General Miller Email states "We learned that neither Andy Arena nor the Miami ASAC will be coming to GTMO. Apparently, FBIHQ is scaling down their presence for the ...
Feb. 06, 2006
Andrew Arena, Geoffrey D. Miller
Criminal Investigative Task Force discussion on its policy when participating in interviews at Guantanamo. The email author states "Our folks should make it clear that our participation in dialogues related to aggressive strategies does not ...
Dec. 21, 2005
Geoffrey D. Miller, Brittain P. Mallow
Minutes of December 2, 2002 Meeting with the International Committee of the Red Cross. Contents redacted.
Mar. 03, 2005
Non-legal Memo
Geoffrey D. Miller, John J. Perrone, Adolph McQueen
December 17, 2002 Meeting with the International Committee of the Red Cross. Contents redacted.
Mar. 03, 2005
Non-legal Memo
Geoffrey D. Miller, James E. Payne, III, Adolph McQueen
The author states: "Although we think it's not prudent to dwell on [a certain Lieutenant Colonel's] style and actions, we believe that before the General can fully appreciate what the FBI has to offer, he must first understand what has ...
Dec. 15, 2004
Geoffrey D. Miller