Search Result (3)

Letter is from a 29 year old British citizen, with copies sent to Colin Powell, Jack Straw (UK Home Secretary), William Farish (US Ambassador to UK), John Howard (PM of Australia) and his local MP (Member of Parliament) in the UK. The letter ...
Letters sent from various individuals at Amnesty International to George W. Bush and Colin L. Powell requesting proper treatment of detainees at Guantanamo and in Afghanistan. The main theme of the letters is the US' violation of international ...
Fax from International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) discussing a recent case of abuse at Abu Ghraib. The letter discusses a recent visit by, (ICRC) Preseident Kellenberger, and an upcoming ICRC report on U.S. detention in Guantanamo and Iraq.
Nov. 23, 2004
John A. Buche
Colin L. Powell, Paul Wolfowitz, John Allen Buche