Search Result (25)

This is a State Department talking points memo on how to address the issues of detainees and detainee abuse. It references speeches and interviews that President Bush and other administration officials have given to describe and give context as ...
Emails between Patrick W. Kelley, John F. Curran, Valerie E. Caproni and Others re: Confidential memo from Colin L. Powell regarding the transfer of Guantanamo detainees with habeas corpus proceedings pending. The confidential memo from the ...
The document is a memorandum from the Department of Defense, regarding approved methods of interrogation. The document includes information on documents related to the Administration's interrogation policies, a congressional subpoena proposed by ...
DOS Memo re: Talking Points on Meeting with Pakistan Foreign Minister Kurshid Mahmud Kasuri. Entirely redacted.
Dec. 17, 2004
Non-legal Memo
Colin L. Powell, Robert Wagner
This State Department memo gives the State Dept.'s official position on the question of detainees/ Geneva Conventions: the Geneva Conventions apply to the conflict w/ Al Qaeda but not with the Taliban; Neither Al-Qaeda nor Taliban detainees have ...
Dec. 30, 2004
Non-legal Memo
Alberto R. Gonzales, Colin L. Powell, William Howard Taft, IV
Summary of comments made through media outlets by General Peter Schoomaker, General George Casey, Major General Geoffrey Miller, Brigadier General Mark Kimmitt, President George Bush, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, General Peter Pace, ...
State Department memo on an upcoming visit by the Swedish Prime Minister. The memo provides background to assist the President in preparing for this meeting.
Dec. 17, 2004
Non-legal Memo
Henry Bisharat
Colin L. Powell
George W. Bush, Colin L. Powell, Henry Bisharat, Bridget A. Brink, Heather A. Conley
DOS Memo from Arthur E. Dewey to Sec. Powell requesting an meeting with ICRC President, Jakob Kellenberger on either January 12-16. The purpose of the meeting is to exchange views on key humanitarian issues relating to detainees in Iraq.
Memo summarizing request from the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) to meet and discuss the treatment of detainees and other humanitarian concerns. Recommends meeting in mid-January.
Dec. 30, 2004
Non-legal Memo
Arthur E. Dewey
Colin L. Powell
Colin L. Powell, Arthur E. Dewey , Condoleeza Rice, Paula J. Dobriansky, William Howard Taft, IV, Paul Wolfowitz
DOS Memo re: Talking Points on Australian National Detained at Guantanamo. The memo states that "Australian legal experts will visit the White House to discuss the issue of Australian nationals detained at Guantanamo Bay." and "The Legal Adviser ...
Dec. 30, 2004
Non-legal Memo
Colin L. Powell, Brent E. Blaschke , William Howard Taft, IV