Search Result (40)

An OLC memo from John Yoo to John Rizzo regarding "what is necessary to establish the crime of torture."  The memo states that an individual must act with the "specific intent" to inflict severe mental pain or ...

Legal Memo, Letter
John C. Yoo
John A. Rizzo
John C. Yoo, John A. Rizzo, Jennifer Koester
This document is a list of past OLC advice on interrogation dated October 2, 2007.
Emails discuss and include John Yoo's Wall Street Journal op-ed entitled "Terrorists Have No Geneva Rights."
Dec. 30, 2004
John C. Yoo, David P. Stewart, JoAnn J. Dolan, Harry R. Melone, George W. Bush
Emails discuss a news article and a Meet the Press interview. The original email states "Newsweek reports that they have obtained a series of OLC memos from the fall of 2001 forward, quotes a State Department lawyer as saying "we were horrified" ...
Editorials, Articles, Opinion Editorials and Letter to the Editor re: Abu Ghraib and the War in Iraq. Some of the OP-EDs are from former or current government officials. Many of the articles and opinions are from ordinary citizens expressing ...
Jan. 31, 2005
John C. Yoo
General, Other Humiliation, Physical assault

A series of blog posts by a former OLC lawyer, Marty Lederman, discussing the difference between the DOJ's memo on torture from August 2002 and the memo on torture from December 30, 2004 (ACLU-RDI 3547).  The posts conclude that the Bush ...

Email from Jason Callen, law clerk to Judge Frank Easterbrook, Seventh Circuit, to Jack Goldsmith and forwarded or blind-copied to Lawan Robinson, Confidential Assistant to the Assistant Attorney General, Department of Justice, Office of Legal ...

Sept. 19, 2005
Jason Callen
Jack L. Goldsmith
John C. Yoo, Jack L. Goldsmith, Lawan Robinson, Jason W. Callen

This fax contains a response letter to The Human Rights watch Ex. Dir. Kenneth Roth addressing his points made in an earlier letter to Sec. Def. Rumsfeld about releasing Taliban armed forces from Guantanamo since the war in Afghanistan is ...