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Emails refer to the release of Russian Guantanamo detainees released by Russian Procuracy. A document is attached to the emails. [Document is not included].
Email refers to an attachment, which is a draft guidance on L memos as reported in a Washington Post report. Ms. Dolan's comments are: "Attached for input/clearance is draft guidance on L memos as reported in today's Washington Post report. We ...
DOS Cable/letter from Colin L. Powell to ICRC President requesting access to the ICRC's confidential reports on visits to detention facilities in Iraq, Guantanamo and Afghanistan. The letter states that the reports will be disseminated, in strict ...
State Department email forwarded by JoAnn Dolan from Robert Harris concerning Human Rights Watch report critical of U.S. Action in Afghanistan. Mr. Harris' email has the comment "Human Rights Watch in the past few days issued a highly critical ...
This email from JoAnn Dolan forwardeding a transcript of UK Foreign Secretary Jack Straw's statements regarding UK citizens detained at Guantanamo.
DOS Memo from Arthur E. Dewey to Sec. Powell requesting an meeting with ICRC President, Jakob Kellenberger on either May 27 or 28. The purpose of the meeting is to exchange views on key humanitarian issues relating to detainees in Iraq.
Email from Jonathan Crock to JoAnn Dolan re "Saudi cable" sent to DOD. Doc not listed in DOS log.
Memo, among other things, describes the U.S. government's application of the Geneva Convention with respect to the War on Terrorism and differentiates the U.S. government's treatment of detainees from the Iraq's treatment of American detainees.
DOS Memo from William H. Taft to Secretary of State Powell re: Photographing POWs and the Geneva Conventions. Summary redacted. Discussion explores the US position on photographing and/or releasing photographs of POWs.
Subject line states ICRC only. Ms. Dolan's remarkes are "The cable is in on yesterday's meeting. I also have copies of the two ICRC letters referred from PRM. If anyone does not have copies already, let me know and I will get them around." ...
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