Search Result (86)

Email from Henry Bisharat to Betsy Anderson forwarding an article by the Associated Press re: "Swedish Man Is Released From Guantanamo." Mr. Bisharat comments are synopsizing the article and stating that he also heard Foreign Minister Freivalds ...
Partially redacted press guidance for DOD release of draft military instruction, which lists/defines certain violations of laws of war and other offenses triable by military commission. The talking points instruct that if inquired about the ...
Dec. 30, 2004
Ronald W. Miller
Ronald W. Miller, Pierre-Richard Prosper
Emails discuss a statement by Colin L. Powell regarding Uyghur detainees. Mr. Powell apparently stated in an article (link provided) that the Uyghur detainees would not be sent back to China.
State Department fax cover sheet from Holly Palubiak, Political Officer, U.S. Embassy, London to Ronald Miller. No comments or attachemnts.
Dec. 23, 2004
Holly Palubiak
Ronald W. Miller
Ronald W. Miller, Holly Palubiak
Emails discuss a Radio Free Asia article reporting that the U.S. will not send Uyghur detainees, currently detained in Guantanamo Bay, back to China. Article is attached to message.
This is a series of forwarded emails of a news article from Radio Free Asia (RFA) entitled "Powell Says U.S. Won't Send Uyghurs Back to China." Messages between recipients have been redacted. The comments of the mail recipients is redacted.
DOS Cable discusses the transfer for release of detainees at Guantanamo Bay (GTMO). It states that the detainee's host governments are willing to accept the nationals. The names and countries of the detainees are listed, but redacted.
Email from Ronald Miller to Ronald Packowitz re: "BM for S - PC on detainees." Mr. Miller's comments are "Sorry for short fuse but need a quick turn around on this -- please get your comments/clearance to the attached BM by 2:00 pm today. Thanks. ...
Emails refer to the release of Russian Guantanamo detainees released by Russian Procuracy. A document is attached to the emails. [Document is not included].