Search Result (49)

A background paper on the CIA's combined use of interrogation techniques, addressed to Daniel Levin, Acting Assistant Attorney General. The document states that "Effective interrogation is based on the concept of using both physical and ...

DOD memo regarding a detainee's allegations of torture at Guantanamo between August and October 2003. The detainee turned himself over to Mauritanian authorities in November 2001 and was given to the United States in July 2002. The detainee ...
June 15, 2006
Non-legal Memo
Physical assault

A fax (sent January 15, 2005) from the CIA to the OLC of the December 2004 OMS Guidelines on Medical and Psychological Support to Detainee Rendition, Interrogation, and Detention. The document is heavily redacted but describes the enhanced ...

A Detainee at Guantanamo reported that his fellow detainees beat him and threw urine upon him. This memo is an acknowledgment of the receipt of that complaint. This is related to ACLU RDI 616.
Nov. 30, 2005
Non-legal Memo
Physical assault, General, Other Humiliation
A Military Police soldier punched a detainee in the mouth at Guantanamo hospital to stop the detainee from spitting at the MPs. The incident was reported in sworn statements by the soldiers present as follows: Detainee, Mash Alawad Alhabiri, was ...
June 30, 2006
Non-legal Memo
Mash Alawad Alhabiri
Physical assault
This memo is a synopsis of the Military Police investigation in to the incident at Guantanamo Hospital where detainee Mash Alawad Alhabiri began to spit and attempt to attack the MPs present and was subdued by an MP with a punch to the mouth, ...
June 30, 2006
Non-legal Memo
Mash Alawad Alhabiri
Physical assault
FBI memo from interviewing FBI agents who toured through Camp Delta, Camp X-Ray and the Naval Brig at Guantanamo. The agents stated that they witnessed several acts of abuse and the memo provides their accounts in detail. Memo notes the ...
FBI memo detailing FBI agents experience and observations while touring Camp Delta, Guantanamo. This memo is related to ACLU RDI 4893, 4895 and 4896.
FBI memo of interview of detainee at Camp X-Ray, Guantanamo Bay concerning the "Portland 7" case in the United States. The agent reports that when the detainee was brought in for the interview, the detainee had a "black eye, facial cuts around ...
Jan. 02, 2007
Non-legal Memo
Physical assault, General, Face slap or insult slap
An FBI agent assigned to Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay states that he entered an interview room and observed an inmate kneeling on the floor with a small amount of blood on the floor near the inmate's face. The inmate's nose appeared to be bleeding. ...
Jan. 02, 2007
Non-legal Memo
Physical assault, Face slap or insult slap, Other Humiliation, Sexual