Search Result (41)

This is a CID investigation into the death of Ibrahim Ismail. Mr. Ismail was a detainee who died at the Baghdad Central Confinement Facility (BCCF) Combat Support Hospital (CSH), Abu Ghraib, Baghdad, Iraq, June 5, 2006. Mr. Ismail was admitted to ...
Jan. 14, 2011
Chart/List, Investigative File (CID), Notes, Photograph, Medical (Autopsy, Death Certificate, Physical (non-death)), Interview (Statement, Summaries/Notes)
Ibrahim Ismail
Physical assault
This is a CID investigation into the death of an unknown Iraqi male shot multiple times in the chest and legs while engaged in a gun battle with Iraqi Security Forces near Mahmudiyah, Iraq. The man was treated at the scene of the battle by US ...
This is an NCIS investigation in to the shooting death of detainee Haskem Shefi Abdullah at the Entry Control Point 5 (ECP-5), Fallujah, Iraq on September 20, 2005. The Report states that as a US Marine was guarding Mr. Abdullah, and while the ...
Jan. 21, 2011
Investigative File (NCIS), Letter, Interview (Summaries/Notes)
Haskem Shefi Abdullah
Physical assault
This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Ismail Na-Ama Ahmed, an Iraqi civilian who died following a beating he received by Iraqi Police (IP) following his arrest and detention at the Echo Company Forward Operating Base (FOB) Haditha, ...
Jan. 21, 2011
Investigative File (NCIS), Medical (Autopsy, Death Certificate), Interview (Statement, Summaries/Notes)
Ismail Na-Ama Ahmed
Physical assault, General
TThis is an NCIS investigation into the death of Ismail Na-Ama Ahmed, an Iraqi civilian who died following a beating he received by Iraqi Police (IP) following his arrest and detention at the Echo Company Forward Operating Base (FOB) Haditha, ...
Jan. 21, 2011
Investigative File (NCIS), Notes, Photograph, Interview (Statement, Summaries/Notes)
Ismail Na-Ama Ahmed
This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Ismail Na-Ama Ahmed, an Iraqi civilian who died following a beating he received by Iraqi Police (IP) following his arrest and detention at the Echo Company Forward Operating Base (FOB) Haditha, ...
Jan. 21, 2011
Investigative File (NCIS), Interview (Statement, Summaries/Notes)
Ismail Na-Ama Ahmed
Physical assault, General, Face slap or insult slap
This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Ismail Na-Ama Ahmed, an Iraqi civilian who died following a beating he received by Iraqi Police (IP) following his arrest and detention at the Echo Company Forward Operating Base (FOB) Haditha, ...
Jan. 21, 2011
Investigative File (NCIS), Interview (Statement, Summaries/Notes)
Ismail Na-Ama Ahmed
Physical assault, General, Threat, Assault/death
This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Ismail Na-Ama Ahmed, an Iraqi civilian who died following a beating he received by Iraqi Police (IP) following his arrest and detention at the Echo Company Forward Operating Base (FOB) Haditha, ...
Jan. 21, 2011
Investigative File (CID, NCIS), Interview (Statement, Summaries/Notes)
Ismail Na-Ama Ahmed
Physical assault, General
This is a CID investigation into the death of Ahmed Salih Khtheer, a detainee shot following a roadside stop and search in Samarra, Iraq on January 6, 2006. A US Army patrol operating out of Forward Operating Base (FOB) Brassfield-Mora, Samarra, ...
Jan. 14, 2011
Investigative File (CID), Notes, Photograph, Interview (Statement, Summaries/Notes)
Ahmed Salih Khtheer
Physical assault, General
This is a CID investigation into the death of Hassan Hadan Rakad, a detainee at Baghdad Central Concentration Facility (BCCF), Abu Ghraib, Iraq. Mr. Rakad became ill while in custody, and was brought to the camp medical facility for a Hernia ...
Jan. 14, 2011
Investigative File (CID), Notes, Photograph, Medical (Autopsy, Death Certificate), Interview (Summaries/Notes)
Hassan Hadan Rakad