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CID investigation into the death of a detainee, Manadel Al-Jamadi. Mr. Al-Jamadi was captured on Nov. 4, 2003 by members of U.S. Navy Seal Team Seven (ST-7), who located Mr. Al-Jamadi at his residence south of Baghdad, Iraq. Mr. Al-Jamadi ...
Oct. 01, 2008
Investigative File (CID)
Manadel Al-Jamadi
Physical assault, Stomach/abdominal slap, Other
Investigation into allegation by detainee that a US soldier kicked him in the back of the legs, back, and stomach while he was at a detention camp at Mahmodia, Baghdad. The detainee also reported he was hooded with a sandbag, handcuffed him with ...
This cable describes the efforts by Jordanian and Iraqi intelligence to find five (5) terrorists who were involved in the killing of a US Diplomat in Amman Jordan and the attempted assassination of a GID Colonel. This cable focuses on the ...
Nov. 08, 2004
Face slap or insult slap, Stomach/abdominal slap, General, Physical assault
Sworn statement of a detainee. States that, following his capture on April 27, 2004, he was put in a compartment so small that he could only sit in it. States he was severely beaten in an attempt to force a confession, threatened with rape, ...
During the medical screening for in-processing at Abu Ghraib Prison a 48 year-old Iraqi male detainee reported being punched in the stomach by U.S. Forces while being transported by helicopter to the detention facility. The detainee does not have ...
Apr. 18, 2005
Medical (Physical (non-death))
Physical assault, Stomach/abdominal slap
A 17 year-old Iraqi male detainee, Basim Mohammed Hussein, complains of back pain after being beaten by coalition forces. Claims to have been beaten at a house near Al-Adamiya Palace. He was beaten for eight days, including having his head was ...
Statement of a US Army major. Contains summaries of interviews with two detainees. First detainee, who was arrested on December 24, 2003, reported that he was "beaten ... and punched, ... hung by a nail from the wall with his hands bound behind ...
June 30, 2006
Interview (Statement)
Physical assault, Stomach/abdominal slap, Sexual, General, Stress positions
This report by the Staff Judge Advocates Office centers on allegations of detainee abuse of Iraqis in the custody of the 4th Infantry Division; Taskforce Ironhorse; FOB Packhorse detention facility. The report synopsizes twelve (12) cases of ...
Nov. 30, 2005
Investigative File
Edward L. Richmond
Hassan Ekab Ahmed, Muhamad Husain Kadir, Zaydun Ma'mun Fadhil
Physical assault, Stomach/abdominal slap, General, Assault/death, Other, Threat
This is the Autopsy Report and Death Certificate of Dilar Dababa, who died while in US custody. It is reported that Mr. Dababa was injured when he was re-captured following an escape from custody. It is reported that Mr. Dababa when US forces ...
Jan. 14, 2011
Medical (Autopsy, Death Certificate)
Dilar Dababa
Physical assault, Stomach/abdominal slap
AR 15-6 investigation into a suspected incident of assault. On November 29th, 2003 members of the 187th Infantry Regiment detained in Iraqi male for questioning. The soldiers took a video of themselves assaulting the detainee. The chain of ...
Mar. 23, 2005
Investigative File (AR 15-6)
Physical assault, Stomach/abdominal slap, Other Humiliation
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