Search Result (84)

The document includes notes from interviews conducted with FBI personnel Andy Arena, regarding his responsibilities as Section Chief of International Terrorism Operations as well as three areas and issues related to detainees.
The document includes notes from interviews conducted with FBI personnel Laura Parsky, regarding her work related to the issues at the U.S. Naval Base in Guantanamo Bay as well as concerns that she raised to the detainee Policy Coordinating ...
The document includes notes from interviews conducted with FBI personnel [Redacted], regarding his work experience with the Hostage Rescue Team, concerns about the Department of Defense's interrogation techniques, and the discrepancy between his ...
The document includes notes from interviews conducted with FBI personnel [Redacted], regarding his knowledge of EC's from the FBI Behavioral Analysis Unit, the military's interrogation techniques and strategies, and his experiences serving in ...
The document includes notes from interviews conducted with FBI personnel Pat D'Amuro, regarding his knowledge about the document exploitation group deployed to Afghanistan as well as the use of legally questionable interrogation techniques and ...
The document includes notes from interviews conducted with FBI personnel Gary Bald, regarding his knowledge of detainee interrogations and abuses as well as his role in developing guidelines for FBI conduct in detainee interrogations. He states ...
The document includes information about a document request made by the Department of Justice's Office of Inspector General regarding detainee issues, specifically any documents related to communications between FBI employees and any other U.S. ...
June 15, 2011
Valerie E. Caproni, Marion E. Bowman, Patrick W. Kelley, Thomas J. Harrington
The document is the FBI Office of General Counsel response to the Department of Justice's Office of the Inspector General request for additional information, regarding supervisory employees in the National Security Law Branch and Counterterrorism ...
June 15, 2011
Marion E. Bowman, Julie F. Thomas
The document is a chart that depicts the functions and organization of the FBI Office of General Counsel.
June 15, 2011
Kenneth L. Wainstein, Patrick W. Kelley, Marion E. Bowman, Valerie E. Caproni, Julie F. Thomas
The document is an internal FBI email regarding the FBI's lack of involvement in detainee abuse and the claim that the FBI Director did not need to be specifically aware of any abuse allegations.